Few people know about the benefits of Weed Membrane Pegs

In agriculture, we often only see major advances such as modern machinery or advanced plant varieties. However, the small details, often forgotten, really make the difference. A typical example is weed membrane pegs. Although only a few people pay attention, they bring unexpected benefits. Please refer to the article to learn the benefits that few people know about this product.

Introduction about Weed Membrane Pegs 


Weed control fabric staples are a convenient and sturdy tool in many ways. They are a type of nail made from PE plastic or galvanized iron, about 10-15cm in length, and about 0.5-1cm in diameter. A pin has a sharp end that is used to stick into the soil, and the other end has a small hole to tie a string or nylon thread

Introduction about Weed Membrane Pegs 

Introduction about Weed Membrane Pegs 


According to the material:

  • PE plastic pins: This is the most popular type of pin, is cheap, light, easy to use, and does not rust. However, PE plastic pins have lower durability than galvanized iron pins.

  • Galvanized iron pins: This pin type is highly durable, weather-resistant, and will not rust. However, galvanized iron staples are more expensive than weed membrane pegs.

According to size:

  • Long staples: This type of staple is 10-15cm long, suitable for tarpaulins with a thickness of 0.05-0.1mm.

  • Short staples: This type of staple is 5-10cm long, suitable for weed mats with a thickness of less than 0.05mm.

According to the nail head:

  • Pins with sharp tips: This is the most common type of pin, with a sharp tip that helps it stick into the soil easily.

  • Pins with hook heads: This type of pin has a hook head to help firmly stick to the soil, suitable for thick anti-grass barrier types.

  • In addition, they can also be classified by brand, color,...

Weed Control Fabric Staples and things you need to know

Benefits of Weed Membrane Pegs 

Weed barrier pins are a small tool but play an important role in improving crop productivity and quality. The use of agricultural mulch staples brings many benefits to growers, including:

Benefits of Weed Membrane Pegs 

Benefits of Weed Membrane Pegs 

Fix the fabric securely

The pins have the right length and diameter for agricultural mulch types, helping to fix the barrier, and preventing it from shifting or flying in rainy, windy, or stormy weather conditions. This helps protect the barrier from damage caused by weather, extending the life of the awning.

Enhances weed resistance

When the membrane is firmly fixed, it will limit light from reaching the ground, thereby limiting the growth of weeds. Weeds are wild plants that compete with crops for nutrients, water, and light. Limiting the growth of weeds helps plants grow better, increasing productivity and quality of agricultural products.

Keep the soil moist

Agricultural weed barrier helps keep the soil moist, helping plants grow better. When the mulch is firmly fixed, it will limit the evaporation of water from the soil, helping it stay wet and providing enough water for plants.

Protect plants from the effects of weather

Weed membrane pegs help protect plants from the effects of weather such as rain, sun, wind, etc. Heavy rain can wash away soil, wash away nutrients, and damage plants. The hot sun can dry out the soil, causing plant leaves to burn. High winds can cause crops to fall. The use of a barrier helps protect plants from these effects, helping plants thrive.

Enhance weather resistance

When the fabric is firmly fixed, it will be less likely to shift or fly in rainy, windy, or stormy weather conditions. This helps protect the awning from damage caused by weather, extending the life of the weed control fabric.

Increase labor productivity

Barrier pins can be used to quickly and easily secure the awning. This helps farmers save time and effort, thereby increasing labor productivity.

Environmental friendliness

Weed barrier pins are made from PE plastic or galvanized iron, and can be reused or recycled. This helps reduce environmental pollution.

How to use Weed Membrane Pegs 

  • Gauge the distance between the holes in the weed mat.

  • Insert the pin into the soil, so that the sharp end of the pin is about 10cm deep into the soil.

  • Tie a string or nylon thread to the head of a pin, then tie the string or nylon thread to the tarp.

Why should you use Weed Membrane Pegs?

Taking everything into consideration, weed membrane pegs are an essential tool for growers. Using mulch pins helps farmers save time, effort, and costs, while also bringing many practical benefits to plants.

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