Why should you use Weed Membrane Pegs?

Weed membrane pegs may appear as a small component, but their presence can shape the success of a farm. Let's find out the reasons why they have become an indispensable element in our farming profession today.

What are Weed Membrane Pegs- why should you use them?

They are a type of nail made from PE plastic or galvanized iron, about 10-15cm in length, and about 0.5-1cm in diameter. The pin has a sharp end that is used to stick into the soil, and the other end has a small hole to tie a string or nylon thread.

What are Weed Membrane Pegs- why should you use them?

What are Weed Membrane Pegs- why should you use them?


  • Securely fix the weed mat: Pins have the right length and diameter for agricultural tarpaulins, helping to fix the mat securely, and preventing it from shifting or flying in rainy, windy, or stormy weather conditions.

  • Save time and effort: Weed barrier pins are very easy to use, just need a hammer to fix the barrier in a short time.

  • Cheap price: Pins are relatively cheap, helping to save costs for users.

  • Convenient for the construction process: Because tweed barrier pins have a simple design and are easy to use, users can easily insert the nails into the ground quickly and easily.

Anti Weed Cloth: A smart choice to protect your garden from weeds

Why should you use Weed Membrane Pegs?

Helps enhance weed resistance

Weeds are one of the biggest pests of crops. Using anti-grass barrier pins helps hold the tarpaulin tightly, limiting light from reaching the ground, thereby limiting the growth of weeds.

Why should you use Weed Membrane Pegs?

Why should you use Weed Membrane Pegs?

Helps enhance moisturizing ability

Agricultural mulch helps keep the soil moist, helping plants grow better. Using pins helps the mat to be securely fixed, limiting the mat from shifting or tearing, thereby helping to better retain soil moisture.

Helps protect plants from the effects of weather

Rain, wind, storms,... are harmful factors to plants. Using pins helps fix the tarpaulin, limiting the fabric from shifting or flying, thereby helping to protect plants from the effects of weather.

Saves time and effort for growers

Instead of having to use other methods to fix the weed barrier fabric such as bamboo poles, iron poles, etc., using pins will help you save time and effort.

Reduce costs for growers.

Weed barrier pins are relatively cheap, helping growers save costs.

Supplier of cheap Weed Membrane Pegs

EPP is a reputable and quality supplier of anti-grass fabric in the Vietnamese market. The company specializes in providing weed control membranes with many different sizes and designs, suitable for the needs of households, and farms,...

EPP was established in 2010, with more than 10 years of experience in the field of manufacturing and supplying anti-grass fabric. The company always strives to research and develop new products to meet the increasing needs of consumers

EPP's landscaping ground cover products are made from high-quality materials, ensuring durability and efficiency. The company has a modern production line system that meets international quality standards.

Weed Mat for Greenhouse and information you need to know

With such great benefits, weed membrane pegs have become an indispensable element in our farming profession today.  If you want to buy high-quality agricultural fabric, visit our website: https://epp.vn/product-category/62dbcee32240544000142302/agrf-1. To refer to the products that EPP Vietnam is distributing contact the address below:

📲+84 986 002 888 - sales@epp.vn


Few people know about the benefits of Weed Membrane Pegs