Unexpected benefits of using Weed Control Fabric 50m

Weed control fabric 50m is a product commonly used in agriculture, garden... This product has many outstanding advantages such as effectively killing weeds, retaining moisture, saving moisture, regulating temperature, and limiting insects, pests, and diseases... Join EPP Vietnam to learn more about the unexpected benefits of using a 50m weed mat.

Check out the unexpected benefits of using Weed Control Fabric 50m

The 50m weed block membrane is a useful product, bringing many benefits to users. If you are looking for a product that effectively kills weeds, retains moisture, saves water, regulates temperature, and enhances plant nutrition to limit insects, pests, and diseases..., it is a perfect choice.

Check out the unexpected benefits of using Weed Control Fabric 50m

Check out the unexpected benefits of using Weed Control Fabric 50m

Kills weeds effectively

Weeds are one of the most difficult problems in farming. Weeds compete with crops for light, water, and nutrients, causing poor plant growth and reduced productivity.

The 50m weed block membrane is black, preventing sunlight from reaching the ground. Weeds need sunlight to photosynthesize and grow. Therefore, when using this mat, weeds will not be able to photosynthesize and will gradually die.

Moisturizes, saves water

The 50m weed control barrier has good moisture retention ability. Thanks to that, the soil will always be moist, helping plants grow well. In addition, the membrane also helps limit water evaporation, helping to save irrigation water.

According to research by the Vietnam Academy of Agricultural Sciences, using a 50m herbicide cover can help save irrigation water up to 50%.

Regulates temperature and enhances plant nutrition

The weed control fabric 50m has the effect of regulating soil temperature, helping plants grow well in harsh weather conditions. In addition, the 50m weed mat also helps retain fertilizer, helping plants absorb maximum nutrients.

The 50m anti-grass membrane helps reduce soil temperature in summer, and increase soil temperature in winter, helping plants grow stably. In addition, it also helps prevent fertilizer from being washed away, helping plants absorb maximum nutrients.

Limit harmful insects and pests

The weed control fabric 50m can limit insects, pests, and diseases from entering the soil, helping plants grow healthily.

Insects and pests often lay eggs in the soil. When using a 50m herbicide cover, insects and pests will have difficulty reaching the soil, helping to limit plant diseases.

Increase crop productivity

Thanks to the above benefits, the 50m weed barrier helps increase crop productivity, bringing high economic efficiency.

The 50m ground cover helps reduce labor costs, fertilizer costs, and pesticide costs, helping to increase profits for growers.

Instructions for using Weed Barrier For Flower Bed growth to grow lilies

Some notes when using Weed Control Fabric 50m

Here are some notes when using a 50m weed mat:

Some notes when using Weed Control Fabric 50m

Some notes when using Weed Control Fabric 50m

Choose the type of weed cloth that suits your needs

On the market today there are many types of anti-grass barriers with different materials, thicknesses, colors, and sizes. You need to choose the type of barrier that suits your needs.

+ If you use covers to grow vegetables and ornamental plants, you should choose a membrane with a thickness of 0.12mm or more.

+ If you use a membrane to grow fruit trees, you should choose with a thickness of 0.15mm or more.

Apply weed control fabric 50m properly

Ground covers need to be constructed with proper techniques to ensure effective use. Here are some things to note when applying them:

* Clean the ground surface before spreading the membrane.

* Spread it vertically, from left to right.

* Fix the membrane with items such as nails, and staples,...

* Check the flatness of the membrane after spreading.

Clean the weed control mat periodically

Ground coverings need to be cleaned periodically to ensure durability. You can clean the fabric with clean water or specialized detergents.

Here are some tips to help prolong the life of your weed control membrane:

* Choose a good quality one.

* Construct the barrier properly.

* Clean the barrier periodically.

PP Woven Weed Mat - Protects plants from pests and harsh weather

To conclude, the Weed Control Fabric 50m is a useful product, bringing many benefits to users. If you are looking for a product that effectively kills weeds, retains moisture, saves water, regulates temperature, enhances plant nutrition, limits insects, and pests,... then tarpaulins The 50m herbicide platform is a perfect choice.

If you want to buy good quality garden anti weed matting, visit our website: https://epp.vn/product-category/62dbcee32240544000142302/agrf-1. To refer to the products that EPP Vietnam is distributing contact the address below:

📲+84 986 002 888 - sales@epp.vn


Things to know about Fabric Weed Barriers