Instructions for using Weed Barrier For Flower Bed growth to grow lilies

Lilium is a beautiful flower with many different colors and is loved by many people. Lily of the valley can be grown in many places, from indoors to outdoors. However, for lilies to grow well and produce beautiful flowers, appropriate planting techniques are needed.

Weed barrier for flower bed plays the role of preventing grass growth, keeping the soil moist, limiting pests, and helping lilies grow better. Through the article below, EPP Vietnam would like to guide you on how to use the anti-grass mat effectively

How to use Weed Barrier for Flower Bed to prevent weed growth to grow lilies

Lily of the valley is a beautiful flower, has many different colors, and is loved by many people. However, growing lilies can also encounter some problems such as excessive weed growth, and dry soil... To overcome these problems, many people have used garden fabric for weed control

How to use Weed Barrier for Flower Bed to prevent weed growth to grow lilies

How to use Weed Barrier for Flower Bed to prevent weed growth to grow lilies

* To use anti-grass cloth to grow flowers, you should pay attention to the following points:

- Weed mat material: The mat should be made from PE or HDPE plastic, with a thickness of 0.1-0.2mm.

- Width and length: The fabric needs to have a width and length suitable for the flower growing area.

- Color: It could be black or white

Steps to use weed barrier for flower bed to grow flowers

Prepare tools and ingredients

To use weed control membranes to grow lilies, you need to prepare the following tools and materials:

  • Tools: scissors, knife, cutter, ruler, tension wire...

  • Raw materials: ground cover, soil, fertilizer...

* Weed barrier for landscaping

- Choose black weed fabric, thickness from 0.05 to 0.1 mm. The mat size is suitable for the lily growing area.

* The soil

- Choose loose, nutritious, well-drained soil. You can mix soil with decomposed manure to increase soil nutrients.

* Fertilizer

- Use basic fertilizer for lily of the valley plants when planting. You can use decomposed manure, NPK fertilizer...

* How to spread Weed Barrier for Flower Bed

- Clean the soil surface

-  Remove weeds, garbage, and stones.

* Measure and cut mat

- Use a measuring tape and tension tape to determine the location of the weed cloth. Then, measure and cut it to the required size.

* Spread weed barrier

- Use staples to fix the weed mat to the ground. Be sure to spread it flat to avoid water stagnation.

Where is the best place to buy Weed Barrier for Flower bed?

How to grow lilies on Weed Barrier for Flower Bed

How to grow lilies on Weed Barrier for Flower Bed

How to grow lilies on Weed Barrier for Flower Bed

* Dig a planting hole

Dig a planting hole of the appropriate size for the tree's pot. The distance between planting holes is 30 - 40 cm.

* Manuring

Fertilize the lily of the valley with decomposed manure or NPK fertilizer.

* Planting

Remove the pot and place the tree in the planting hole. Fill and compact the soil around the base of the tree.

* Watering

Water the tree after planting to help it take root quickly.

* Caring for lilies on weed control fabric

Watering: Water the plant regularly, especially during the flowering period.

Fertilizer: Fertilize the plant periodically every 2-3 months. Can use NPK fertilizer, organic fertilizer,...

Pest prevention: Regularly check plants to detect pests and take timely preventive measures.

Be careful when using Weed Barrier for Flower Bed

- You should use a weed membrane of appropriate thickness to avoid tearing and punctures.

- The membrane must be very flat so that the lily of the valley plant can grow well.

- Make drainage holes in low locations to avoid water stagnation.

Things you need to know about Garden Weed Barrier

Now, with a lot of information shared in the article, I hope you know clearly about how to use weed barrier for flower bed to grow lilies. If you want to buy good quality garden weed barriers, visit our website: To refer to the products that EPP Vietnam is distributing contact the address below:

📲+84 986 002 888 -


PP Woven Weed Mat - Protects plants from pests and harsh weather