Why should you use Weed Control Cloth?

Weed control cloth is an agricultural product that helps prevent weeds for crops, retains water in the soil, and can be used to protect the garden from rain and sun. The product is light in weight, so it is easy to move and install, and the price is quite cheap and reasonable, so it is often used in agriculture. Let's learn about this product with EPP in the article below.

Why should you use Weed Control Cloth?

Our country is becoming more modern and integrated. This includes agriculture. When we think of agriculture, we immediately think of vast fields, straight fruit trees, or all kinds of working tools from the humble shovel to modern machinery. Today's agriculture is gradually moving towards optimization. This clean agriculture meets safety standards, enough productivity, and quality.

Why should you use Weed Control Cloth?

Why should you use Weed Control Cloth?

Clean agriculture means not using chemicals harmful to health and the environment such as herbicides, pesticides, growth stimulants, or fertilizers, but using safe but effective methods. , ensuring productivity and quality. Usually, organic fertilizers, biological products, and greenhouses are used to keep insects away or mulch to prevent grass growth.

The method of using weed control cloth to cover the ground to prevent grass from growing is currently used by many farmers.

Anti-grass cloth is also known as herbicide tarpaulins. This method has been known for a long time and has been commonly used in the past 5 years. The ground cover is made of black PP material and comes in many different sizes to suit many different types of plant beds.

Why do I want to introduce to readers how to use Weed Control Cloth?

  • Weed block membrane makes it difficult for grass seeds to germinate, blocks sunlight, and hinders the grass's photosynthesis process, causing the grass to gradually die.

  • Helps keep the soil moist, the barrier fibers are rolled together thinly and tightly, creating a large coverage area that prevents surface water from evaporating, so the soil is always moist and loose.

  • Helps prevent erosion and landslides due to heavy rain. Large raindrops will not cause erosion, landslides, or soil cracking because the soil below is covered by a layer of membrane.

  • To help irrigation water penetrate slowly, the barrier is woven with small holes, creating ventilation for the soil and preventing irrigation water from washing away, causing inconvenience for plant care.

  • Additionally, weed control cloth can protect against certain underground insects that can negatively impact plants.

Just spread the weed block membrane, and farmers do not need to spend a lot of effort plowing the fields, nor do they need to use herbicides that affect health and cost a lot of money. A fabric only takes time to spread once but can last for 5 to 7 years, meaning many harvests.

What is Landscape Weed Control Fabric and its characteristics?

How to use Weed Control Cloth effectively against grass

To use a weed block membrane to prevent weed growth effectively and sustainably, EPP recommends that farmers should note the following:

How to use Weed Control Cloth effectively against grass

How to use Weed Control Cloth effectively against grass

  • Before spreading the membrane, it is necessary to remove weeds, trash, gravel, etc. so that the ground is flat, with no gaps where weeds can grow through. If the ground is rough, it needs to be leveled.

  • Weeds and insects in the soil can tear the canvas, affecting its anti-weed effectiveness. Therefore, it is necessary to treat weeds and insects in the soil before spreading the anti-grass cloth.

  • After spreading the weed control fabric, it is necessary to keep the fabric firmly in place to prevent it from flying or shifting. You can use ties, nails, bamboo poles, rocks, etc. to hold the membrane in place.

  • During use, it is necessary to check the weed mat regularly and promptly detect and handle holes and tears in the canvas. If the fabric is torn, it needs to be repaired or replaced to ensure effectiveness against weeds.

A place that provides Weed Control Cloth at good prices

EPP is a supplier of anti-grass cloth at good prices, we commit to:

  • Quality weed mat products, diverse designs, and specifications.

  • Product prices are cheap and most competitive in the HCM area.

  • We will support returns if the product is of poor quality.

Using Weed Control Fabric effectively for cucumber gardens

For further details please contact:

Address: Central Lake 1 Building, Aqua Bay, Ecopark, Phung Cong Commune, Van Giang, Hung Yen

Website:https://epp.vn - https://eppvietnam.trustpass.alibaba.com 

📲+84 986 002 888 - sales@epp.vn


Weed Control Fabric 50m - Perfect solution for vegetable gardens and flower gardens