Removing weeds before applying PP Woven Ground Cover is not only a simple step but also a smart strategy that helps protect and nurture the health of the rose garden in a comprehensive way. Weeds not only hinder crop growth but can also be a source of disease and harmful insects. In this article, we will share a detailed process to help you remove weeds effectively and quickly, creating a clean ground for ground cover installation. Let's learn about specific steps to protect and promote the health of your rose garden.

Why is it necessary to remove grass before placing PP Woven Ground Cover?

Removing weeds before applying PP Woven Ground Cover is an important step, it is not only a protective measure, but also a smart strategy to optimize rose garden performance. Here are the detailed reasons:

Why is it necessary to remove grass before placing PP Woven Ground Cover?

Why is it necessary to remove grass before placing PP Woven Ground Cover?

Prevent weed growth

PP agricultural mulch is a hero in keeping sunlight away from direct impact on the soil. However, if weeds are allowed to continue to exist under the mulch, they still can deceive and seek light. Removing them before placing the mulch is a decisive measure, ensuring that there is no energy available for unwanted growth and invasion in your garden.

Protect tree roots

Weeds are not only competitors for water and nutrients but can also damage plant roots. Although PP Woven Ground Cover provides protection, if grass remains under it, it can create unwanted pressure and affect the health of tree roots.

Keep soil moist

PP weed control mat not only slows down grass growth but also keeps the soil moist. However, if weeds remain between the mat and the soil, they can compete with plants for water, reducing the mulch's effectiveness in maintaining soil moisture.

Create a favorable environment for plants

Removing weeds before applying mulch is not simply a preventative measure, but also a way to create an ideal environment for plant growth. This helps plants fully enjoy the energy, water, and nutrients they need, without having to share with "uninvited competitors" from the plant world.


Process of removing weeds before using PP Woven Ground Cover

The process of removing weeds before applying PP Woven Ground Cover is a detailed and important process to ensure the highest efficiency of ground cover and healthy growth of plants. Below is a thorough breakdown of the specific steps in this process:

Process of removing weeds before using PP Woven Ground Cover

Process of removing weeds before using PP Woven Ground Cover

Check the garden area

Determine the area that needs to be weeded before applying ground cover. This helps you estimate the amount of the cover needed and plan to do the job effectively.

Remove the grass by hand first

Start by removing the weeds by hand or with a suitable tool such as a weed shovel or weed saw. Be sure to remove both the grass and roots to prevent them from regenerating.

Soil inspection

When removing turf, check the soil to make sure there are no grass, turf roots, or other fallen material remaining. This helps create a clean ground surface to place the ground cover without unwanted obstructions.

Remove weeds with a lawn mower

For large areas, a lawn mower or lawn saw can be used to save time and effort. However, make sure the tool is set up so that it only cuts the grass and does not damage the roots of the plants.

Check carefully before placing the cover

Before placing the PP Woven Ground Cover, check it thoroughly again to make sure there is no grass or material left that could hinder plant growth.

Place the ground cover correctly

Place the mulch precisely on the cleaned soil surface. Make sure the fabric covers enough of the garden area you want to protect.

Caring for the ground cover

Monitor and maintain the awning periodically to ensure it is not damaged or perforated. Tarpaulin maintenance helps maintain its anti-weed action and keeps the soil moist.

Follow the development process

Monitor the growth of your plants after applying the ground cover to ensure that they do not have any problems and continue to grow healthily.


Above is how to use PP Woven Ground Cover. By performing this process thoroughly, you will maximize the benefits of agricultural mulch and ensure the ideal environment for the growth of your garden. If you want to own this product at a preferential price, please contact us at the address at the end of the article.

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