Things to know when buying Garden Mat

Garden mat is an important and useful accessory for every garden in modern agriculture. It helps prevent weed growth, protects crops, saves water, and aids in the decomposition of organic matter. Therefore, choosing the right anti-grass barrier is very important.

The effect of mulch against Garden Mat

Garden weed control cloth has many uses, specifically:

The effect of mulch against Garden Mat

The effect of mulch against Garden Mat

Prevents weed growth

When sunlight cannot reach the soil directly, weed growth is prevented. By covering the soil surface, the weed barrier helps prevent the germination and growth of weed seeds, while also preventing established weeds from continuing to grow.

Protect the plants

Weeds compete with crops for water, nutrients, and light. By preventing weed growth, anti-weed membrane helps reduce this competition, while also protecting 

crop roots from weed damage.

Save water

By retaining water in the soil and reducing evaporation, a garden mat helps keep the soil moist, thereby saving water for irrigation.

Supports the process of decomposing organic matter

The weed control membrane keeps organic matter such as fallen leaves and compost under it moist and protects it from being blown away by the wind. This helps microorganisms in the soil easily decompose these organic substances into nutrients for plants.

Read more: The importance of using Anti Weed Membrane

Factors to consider when buying Garden Mat

When buying an anti-weed fabric, you need to consider the following factors:

Factors to consider when buying Garden Mat

Factors to consider when buying Garden Mat


Durable materials, resistant to the effects of weather: Choose an anti-grass membrane made from durable materials that can withstand the effects of weather such as rain, sun, and wind without being damaged.

Materials that are not harmful to the environment: Choose an anti-grass membrane made from materials that are not harmful to the environment, do not contain toxic substances, and do not pollute soil and water.


Size appropriate to the size of your garden: Choose the size of the anti-weed cover that matches the size of your garden to ensure the entire area is completely covered.

Consider purchasing a weed barrier that is larger than your garden so you can prune it as desired: If you can't find the perfect size, you can consider purchasing a weed fabric in a larger size and then trim it to your liking.


Thickness suitable for intended use: The thickness of the anti-grass cloth affects its ability to prevent weeds and protect crops. Choose the appropriate thickness for your intended use.


Consider prices and compare products and brands: When choosing to buy anti-grass cloth, consider prices and compare products and brands to choose a product with a reasonable price and good quality.

To conclude, garden mat is a useful and necessary accessory for every garden. When choosing to buy a weed control barrier, consider factors such as material, size, thickness, and price to choose the product that best suits your needs. Proper care and maintenance of your mat will increase its lifespan and keep your garden clean and lush.

Read more: Things to know when buying Garden Mat

If you want to buy a good quality garden mat, visit our website: To refer to the products that EPP Vietnam is distributing contact the address below:

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