Tips for increasing crop productivity with ground cover fabric in the garden

Anyone who chooses agriculture as an economic activity desires maximum yield from their crops. However, during the process of caring for the garden, there are many problems that arise and cause the crops to not develop as desired, among which weeds are always a headache for farmers.

Using ground cover fabric in the garden is an effective solution to increase crop productivity. So how does the use of weed barriers for vegetable gardens help increase crop productivity effectively? All information will be shared in this article:

Why can ground cover fabric in the garden help farmers increase crop productivity?

Many farmers who have not used weed barriers for vegetable gardens often wonder: "Why can ground cover fabric in the garden help farmers increase crop productivity?" Ground cover fabric or anti weed mat is a new product that has appeared in the agricultural market. Accordingly, the product brings many benefits to farmers if used correctly. Below are the outstanding points of ground cover fabric that help increase productivity in gardens.

Limiting harmful insects:

During the process of planting, there are some insects that cause plants to become diseased. To overcome this, farmers can use weed barriers in the garden. The black color of the cover absorbs sunlight and repels some types of plants that cause disease to the crop.

Reducing the risk of disease transmission:

In some cases, there are some disease-causing germs that arise due to rain or from the soil. When ground cover fabric is used correctly, it keeps the leaves of the plants dry. This helps to minimize the risk of disease transmission from external factors.

Increasing soil moisture:

In some cases, the soil may be too dry and prone to water accumulation after rain. If used correctly, the cover can prevent this from happening. The weed control cover has a moisture-absorbing layer from the soil, making the root system stable and promoting the healthy development of crops.

Limiting mice:

The smooth surface of the cover is not convenient for mice to climb, so if the plants are taller, tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, beans, and other crops will be less harmed during the fruiting season.

Adding value to products:

The sunshade cover provides more light to the plants, making the color of the fruit more vibrant. In addition, the cover helps prevent fruit from falling to the ground, increasing its value.

Improving crop efficiency:

Agricultural cover helps to retain moisture and heat in the soil better, increasing the efficiency of crops. The agricultural cover retains moisture, allowing wet soil to dry at a slower rate, allowing the plant surface to absorb enough water and nutrients. Additionally, the cover helps to retain heat better, limit weed growth, and promote better plant growth.

Reduced water absorption:

The agricultural cover reduces the water absorption of grass, reduces water usage, and increases water usage efficiency. This reduces water costs and reduces the environmental burden.

Reduced weed spreading:

The agricultural cover helps to reduce the spread of weeds by preventing sunlight from reaching the weed, causing it to die under the cover and preventing growth during the growing season. Reduced weed growth also increases crop efficiency and reduces environmental burdens, making your garden or farming surface cleaner.

Where to find quality and affordable ground cover fabric for your garden

Above are the features of the ground cover fabric that we are confident will help your plants develop the most effectively. However, to maximize the functionality of the cover, you need to choose the best quality supplier. EPP is a reputable supplier specializing in providing high-quality garden ground cover fabrics at affordable prices.

Why choose EPP when you need to buy weed control covers:

In Hanoi, you can refer to the address of EPP Vietnam. Here are some outstanding points about us. This is why you choose EPP:

  • We have a dedicated and enthusiastic team of employees to serve customers.

  • EPP also sells many other products such asJumbo bags, PP bags.

  • Our prices and warranty policies for products are always reasonable and competitive.

  • The cheapest price in the current market.

Have you learned how to increase plant productivity with ground cover fabrics in your garden? We hope that with this information, you have more experience when using ground cover fabrics in your garden. If you have any questions or want to own products at preferential prices, please contact us at the address below.


Address: Central Lake 1 Building, Aqua Bay, Ecopark, Van Giang, Hung Yen, Vietnam.


📲Ms. Jennifer: +84 986 002 888 - 

📲Ms. Ivy: +84 973 650 865 - 

📲 Mr. Lee: +84 976 791 865 -


Some details about Greenhouse Ground Cover